6 Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Ask To Transform Their Business Into A Causes That Can Leave A Dent In The Universe

Hassan Adnan
2 min readJan 24, 2022

Business is not for making a profit.

Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs are too focused on making a profit that this has resulted at the end of the means problem. The history of commerce is traced back to the 16th century with the start of big trading companies in Europe backed by the kingdom searching for precious metals and spices that can be arbitraged in other parts of the world.

But this has resulted in:

  • Deploying inhumane means for convincing buyers
  • Goldrush mentality
  • Cutthroat competition

Success Leaves Clues

Profit is an “earned outcome”.

If you trace back the founding story of all the companies that are successful today, you will see that all founders started businesses beyond profit motives.

Nike: To experience the emotion of competition, winning, and crushing competitors

Sony: To experience the sheer joy of advancing and applying technology for the benefit of the public

Apple: We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products

The common denominator in all of them is that they are all cause beyond selfish intent. They made the business a platform for unleashing their cause.

Build A Philosophy Of Your Business

Causes are born out of a deep-rooted philosophy. It is no wonder that Steve Jobs sounded like a philosopher when he said:

The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it. That’s maybe the most important thing.

Similarly, Jack Ma, Soichiro Honda, Peter Thiel, Ellon Musk, this list goes on and on … all started causes that were built over strong philosophical foundations, ask these questions;
1. What is life?

  1. Where is the world going to be in the next 50–100 years?
  2. What is happening that needs attention your attention today?
  3. What needs to change?
  4. Why you are doing “what you are doing today”?
  5. What do you want to leave behind when you die?

Answering these questions will set you free and see things in a new way and generate visceral energy to the same business you tend to do on daily basis.

“Causes” Are The New Vantage Point

Causes have built-in network effects that deliver speed and fast growth.

We are living in a highly connected world where people have endless options. But the biggest deficit most people have is a dearth of meaning. Causes are what provide people a meaningful reason to interact, connect, engage and stay loyal.

Yes, profit is important but causes are your way to make them your earned outcome by leaving a dent in the world.

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Hassan Adnan

Strategy Advisor | Helping creating impactful business strategies